As of right now, if my calculations are correct, our flight leaves in approximately 14 hours from now. Like I said in the previous post, although the waiting game seemed tedious and stressful, low and behold the actual time for departure has come much faster than I ever thought possible. Bags are packed, plans are made, and anticipation has skyrocketed to where we are in danger of simply bursting! More emotions have gone through my mind in the last 24 hours than the number of flies on a warthog. Who knew it would be so hard to decide which jeans were privileged enough to travel with me and which ones didn't quite make the cut. I feel like Andy during Toy Story 3! I just hope my shoe collection doesn't try to embark on a crazy journey to find me just to find out I didn't take them with me for a reason ;).

In case anyone was wondering what lies before us as far as our travels to Korea, let me just sum up what our itinerary looks like. First, we have to drive the 2 hours to the Vegas airport. From there, we board a flight to San Francisco which takes about 2 hours. Small layover there as we have time to get to our next flight with a duration of approximately 12 hours to Seoul. From Seoul, we must then travel another 4-5 hours to Ulsan and once in Ulsan, a final taxi ride will take us to our apartment. I'm not much a fan of sitting in a seat for hours on end and can say right now I'm not much looking forward to the
traveling for so long!
By the time we get to our new apartment, who knows what time it will be in Korean time?! I'm sure that whatever time it is, I will have a severe case of jet lag for the next couple of days. In any case, prayers and best wishes for us will all be greatly appreciated! :D
We will miss seeing all of our friends and family for over a year but we also hope to stay in contact mostly through social media. If anyone needs any contact information for us, please feel free to email or message me on Facebook.
And with that, I'm off to my new adventure and will post soon about our journey over there and about our new apartment. Stay tuned!