The show was scheduled to start at 8pm but Trevor and I decided to spend the earlier part of the day exploring Busan. Somehow, each attempt at adventure was smoldered by some cause or another. For example, we decided to go to the largest mall in Korea for some possible shopping only to find that just about everything was way overpriced. I even felt guilty window shopping there. Like I wasn't even rich enough to look at what they had to offer. Just for kicks and giggles, we even checked the price tag on a winter coat with a fur-trimmed hood. More than $2,000 for a coat! I'm sure some of you are like ya, ya I've seen more expensive things but seriously I thought a high-end expensive coat would be like a couple hundred not a couple thousand!
Anyways, another failed adventure occurred at the aquarium. We had seen a poster advertising 50% off the entrance fee between such and such dates so we thought what a great way to spend our time and do it for half the cost right? Wrong! We got the aquarium and saw a sign showing all the prices. For a regular customer, it was about $25 per person. We weren't sure if this was already the 50% off, or if that was the normal price so we decided to ask one of the workers. She said it is the normal price so we thought we could both get in for the price of $25 all together. Wrong again. In order to get the 50% off, you had to prove you are a citizen of Busan. Foiled again! We weren't really prepared to be spending $50 for an aquarium so we moved on to plan C.
Plan C was to go downtown and explore street vendors selling novelty items. We got there and explored around for a little bit and stopped at a cart selling some jewelry and headbands and other such accessories. We got talking to the vendor and told her we were going to attend the firework festival that night. She said if we were planning on doing that, we ought to have been there by now. At this time it was 4pm and the show wasn't supposed to start for 4 more hours! We had heard there are a lot of people that go to the festival but according to this kind lady, the beach was bound to be packed already and she told us good luck as we scurried toward the nearest subway entrance. Plan C thwarted.
Speaking of the subway, we got a taste of how many people were going to the festival when we were cram-packed in like a can of sardines. People push and shove in order to get where they need to go as fast as possible. There were even guards at each of the doors at major stops to stop people from getting on once the car got too crowded. People would even try to push and shove past the guards so they didn't have to wait an additional 3 minutes for the next train to arrive. Not being a big city girl myself, I was baffled by the amount of people and their desperation to get to their destination.
After getting off the subway, the sardine-like crowdedness did not cease. That lady downtown was right! The whole beach was already jam-packed! Unfortunately the best place we could find was somewhat blocked by a couple of trees. I was disheartened thinking the fireworks would be a bust as well because we wouldn't really be able to see them. Thankfully, the show was so great I was wrong.
Past the beach, out over the open water is a giant bridge that goes from one sort of peninsula to another. The bridge was all lit up and even had special lights that scrolled words across the bottom of the bridge. Out in the water there were several boats which I assume were also used to launch fireworks. 8:00 couldn't come fast enough. We had already spent most of the day standing or walking so I was anxious to finally take a nice break and watch the fireworks.
To my great delight, the firework show was spectacular. Seriously it was beyond amazing. I was extremely impressed with the magnitude of everything it took to put on such a show. There were countless numbers of fireworks set off timed to music that was playing. It must have taken great ingenuity and calculations and countless hours planning to make the show work like it did. The fireworks were splendidly symmetrical and came in an array of shapes, sizes, colors, and effects. The show went for a duration of about 50 minutes which was much longer than I had expected. It was such a fantastic thing to behold, the few trees ended up only slightly blocking the splendor. It was definitely worth the wait and I'm so glad that we decided to go. I would go again in a heartbeat if given the chance. I would even spend all day at the beach to get an even better view of the show. I wish I could share with everybody what it was really like but Trevor and I were too busy enjoying ourselves to try and film the whole thing or take too many pictures. Trevor did get a couple of small clips and I'll share one of them below. The crowded subway ride back to the bus station didn't even bother me because I was so satisfied with the firework show, there was almost nothing that could annoy me at that point. I guess there are some advantages to big cities!