Happy Easter everyone! Spring is beginning to show and the world is slowly waking up from its winter slumber. I love spring time for two main reasons. It means winter and the horrible cold is starting to leave and I love flowers. I'm very excited for next weekend when Trevor and I are going with a friend from Trevor's work and his girlfriend to the cherry blossom festival! It will be so pretty!
I want to make this weeks post fairly simple. We haven't had many grand adventures lately so it works perfectly. We have just spent some time trying to enjoy the beginnings of spring and being able to wear jackets instead of coats. One trip we made outside was to the bamboo forest by the river here in Ulsan. It was very relaxing despite the increasingly harsh wind once we exited the forest.
I love the first couple of weeks of spring and Easter weekend because it makes everything seem so bright and rejuvenated. This makes me happy because it allows me to remember the joyful and most beloved parts of the Easter holiday. If you have a few minutes for an amazing reminder please watch this video about why Easter is so important.
I know with a surety of heart that Christ lives and that because of the pains and afflictions which he suffered, we can find great happiness in this life and have eternal life. It is sobering to contemplate on his afflictions, but my favorite thing is to feel the joy knowing that he overcame the grave and lives again. We all have this same opportunity and our choices in this life help determine the kind of life we will have for eternity. I am thankful for a loving husband who shares these views and we are both striving as a married couple to live up to the potential of the atonement. We are certainly far from perfect but that's why the atonement is so great because we have a chance for repentance and to better ourselves every day. May you find peace and joy in the Easter season as I have this year.
Whoopsies! I guess it's been a little while since I posted and I dearly regret to keep you hanging not knowing all the details of our oh so exciting lives ;). I've mostly been busy babysitting and keeping up with my dance classes. I'm not entirely busy, I've just forgotten to write. Sorry! But here I am again so don't fret, you shall be entertained once again. Since last I posted, I've turned a year older (I'm almost a quarter century now!). I wanted to spend my birthday trying out a Korean craze that we haven't tried yet. We dusted off our singing voices and hit up a 노래방 (aka karaoke bar). At a Korean karaoke bar, you rent out a private room equipped with your own individual karaoke system complete with tambourine to keep the beat. It's a fun idea-you get a group of friends and sing your heart out in a supposedly sound-proof private room to all your favorite songs (yes they had Korean and English songs).
The only down side was that the music was so loud and the microphones echoed so much that you couldn't even hear yourself sing. Now maybe that's the whole point but I was certainly done listening to blasting instrumental versions of the songs we picked before our hour was over. Luckily I had the good company of my friend Janelle and her adorable baby Ryan as well as one of Trevor's co-workers/friend Lee Hyun Joon. As always, my birthday was great because my husband always spoils me and I got a lot of birthday wishes from all of you on the other side of the world.
Another thing that happened within the past couple of weeks was the first full moon of the lunar year. Over here, we had a massive bonfire on the beach with live entertainment and fireworks. It was quite the display and there was a great turnout from the whole city. The bonfire is supposed to represent any of your burdens or troubles from the past year burning away as you start the year out new and revitalized. Before the bonfire we decided to stop by a restaurant on the beach which specialized in Korean barbecue. They set out a variety of side dishes and then you order your choice of meat which has been specially marinated. Then you cook the meat right at your table and wrap it in leaves with rice and your assortment of side dishes. The meat was incredibly delicious and I would have eaten it all plain if it weren't for the fact that putting it all together made it even more delicious if you can believe that. If anyone were to come visit us, I wouldn't hesitate to take you there ;) ;) ;)
Well, consider yourself caught up! Hope to see your page views next time! :D