Now that we know for sure that we are going to Korea and that we are leaving April 29th (crazy I know!) we get to play the ever dreaded waiting game. Although there is much more we can get done in the meantime (for example getting all doctor visits done, moving all our stuff to Trevor's parents house, and learning some Korean), we are both at the point where we are done worrying and waiting to see what our lives are going to be like for the next year. At times it is so unnerving not knowing anything about our new lives: what our apartment looks like, who our neighbors will be, what our cost of living will be, etc. It makes it difficult to not back out sometimes. We both appreciate the positive support we've received from our friends and family and everyone's confidence in us makes it easier (at least for me I guess I can't speak for Trev ;) ) to stick with our new adventure.
Among all this waiting, there are so many things to do and think about. A lot of these things involve paperwork especially for Trevor. Understandably, the school needs several important pieces of information and documentation for him to start work. And of course, official this and official that takes time to process so even when we complete the necessary paperwork, there's more waiting to see if it will be processed in time. No matter what though, our flight is booked and that's that!

Well, tick tock, tick tock, a whole month left of waiting! I'm sure it will end up going so fast that I won't even be packed and ready to go the day we need to be at the airport!